Sales Tax Calculator
Determine pre/post-tax prices with Small SEO Tools’ free sales tax calculator.
Net Amount | ||
Tax Rate | ||
Gross Amount |
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The Sales Tax Calculator by Small SEO Tools computes sales tax amounts for products or services, supporting multiple tax rates and jurisdictions.
How It Works
Enter item price (100)andtaxrate(7100)andtaxrate(7107) or reverse-calculate pre-tax price from total.
Key Features
Multi-Tier Tax: Apply state, county, and city taxes.
Currency Support: USD, CAD, EUR, etc.
Receipt Templates: Generate printable tax invoices.
Use Cases
E-commerce: Display accurate checkout totals.
Accounting: Reconcile tax-inclusive revenues.
Retail: Train staff on tax calculations.
Manual tax math leads to pricing errors. This tool ensures compliance and accuracy.
How to handle exempt items? Manually set tax rate to 0%.
Does it include VAT? Yes—select VAT as the tax type.
The Sales Tax Calculator streamlines financial accuracy for businesses and consumers.