Age Calculator

Determine exact age in years, months, and days with Small SEO Tools’ free calculator.

Your date of birth

Date From

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The Age Calculator by Small SEO Tools computes precise age based on birthdate and current date, accounting for leap years and varying month lengths.

How It Works

Enter birthdate (e.g., 1990-05-15) and optional reference date. The tool outputs age as “33 years, 2 months, 10 days.”

Key Features

Multiple Formats: Gregorian, Hijri, or Julian calendars.

Countdowns: Calculate time until next birthday.

Historical Dates: Find ages for past/future dates.

Use Cases

Medical Records: Track patient ages accurately.

HR Management: Verify employee eligibility.

Genealogy: Document family tree ages.


Manual age calculation is error-prone. This tool ensures precision for critical applications.


Does it include time zones? No—uses system time unless specified.

Can I calculate pet ages? Yes—adjust for species lifespans manually.


The Age Calculator simplifies chronological tracking for personal and professional use.


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